Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Side Project-Front Garden and tree down!

While my busy hubby is putting up a few fence post and cutting down the 3rd 60 year old cedar tree that was planted too close to our house. I have been working on a more fun little project. Sunday afternoon I heard about the fill a flat for $12 at Johnson's Garden Center. I begged and pouted for Jason to take me there and he finally gave in. $150 later I was ready to plant my garden.
Before: Just lilly's of the valley in the garden
All my flowers!
Done! Not very pretty YET!

Since this garden on the north west side of our house was right by our front window I got flowers that *hopefully* attract lots of butterflies for me to sit in my chair and watch. I planted lillies, hollyhocks, forget me not's, Avens geum, SNAPDRAGONS and a hosta. There were a few more kinds but I didn't get photos of the tags so I don't remember what they were.

Jason spent Thursday and Friday night cutting down all of the branches on a tree in our backyard. This tree is HUGE and between the cable line, two power lines and two houses it is quite a challenge to cut down. It is also very expensive to hire someone to cut down. Jason being a manly (CHEAP) man decided to buy a tree safety harness. He must be a monkey because he spent HOURS holding himself in the tree while cutting down limb by limb all the way up in that dang tree. We now have what we like to call a Dr. Seuss tree with no limbs. Soon he will cut down the stump bit by bit. I'm pretty nervous about all this so his dad comes over to "supervise" and I stay in the house!

Jason in the tree not even close to being done.
No more branches
My monkey..I mean husband.

Today Jason installed 4 fence post. We have an existing chain link fence in our back yard that is sunk to the ground using t post. He is using concrete to put fence post over the t-post and then attaching a 6 foot wood privacy fence to the metal fence post. I am excited for this because our neighbors yard isn't the best and our houses are so close it will be nice to not be able to see in her windows if you catch my drift :).

I went on a walk through College Hill tonight. I hope my next house is a little further south and east of this one and it smack in the middle of that neighborhood. A girl can dream right?

1 comment:

  1. You guys have made so much progress on that house! Very happy for you! And that garden looks mighty purdy!
