Sunday, May 2, 2010

Backyard Grass Planted!

I am trying my best to make this post not boring but everything I write seems to just be rambling.

Sunday must be the day during the weekend we can get the most done on the house.  This weekend was no different after an event for Catholic Charities Friday night, English Tea Saturday morning/afternoon and Mother Daughter banquet with my grandmother in Medicine Lodge Saturday night the only time left for working on the house was Sunday. I must say that we did pretty good considering the lack of time to get this project done.

 Katie (My older sister), Mary (Grandmother) and I
 Jason and I at the Catholic Charities Event 

We started the day by attempting to finish removing the tree.  We did not get it all the way done but since Jason has to crawl up the tree and use a hand saw and a chain saw to cut the tree and then he has to climb down for us to pull the rope and get a 6 ft chuck to fall in the right direction.  He used a lot of energy to get the pieces he did cut off. I also used a lot of energy worrying about him falling off of the tree!
Jason using the chainsaw to cut down the top of the tree.        Ava was supervising!

After lunch and a quick trip to Johnson's Garden Center for grass seed (and seeds for my herb garden that hasn't been started yet) we started to use the rototiller to mix up the soil.  The grass was killed a few weeks ago.  We then began to move dirt around for proper drainage.  At this point EVERYONE in our neighborhood decided they would do work in there yards too!  Maybe we are setting a good example?!  The grass seed is now spread along with fertilizer and we watered the crap out of it.

 Using the rototiller to get the soil moved!
My goals for next week: Get the TREE down and the roots dug up! :) Start on the fence. 
For now I think 7 pm is a great bed time for tonight!